Leah F's Favorite Things: Drinks

Posted by  | Friday, March 9, 2012  at 10:17 PM  
I enjoy a good drink. No, wait, don't stop reading yet! I haven't finished my story. By drink, I mean--a wet substance that you sip, like water, or tea, soda or coffee. This post will not discuss anything stronger than ginger ale (but I do enjoy a nice ginger ale). Just for fun, I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite "drink" related items:

A Tervis Cup

I bought this exact travel mug for my husband for Christmas. He teaches classes first thing in the morning, before anyone has made coffee in his office, so he likes to take a travel mug of coffee or hot tea with him. However, all of his mugs have seen better days, and he has dropped his fair share on the asphalt! I wanted to find a mug for him that was sturdy and virtually indestructible. Tervis was recommended, and Nathan liked his so much that we bought two more after Christmas. They are pricey, but have a lifetime guarantee!

Last Christmas, I bought Nathan a Bodum French Press (sense a coffee theme here?). We had avoided drinking French Press coffee because, well, everyone who did seemed permanently converted to it, and kind of 'snobbish' about other regular boring drip coffee. Yeah, then we tasted it, and I must say, It. Is. Good. Coffee. Folks. It is super simple to use, tastes wonderful, and the press itself is not expensive. Try it!

To keep with this lovely coffee theme, Jubala coffee house is the best in the Triangle area! If you live near Wake Forest/Raleigh/Durham area, you must try it. They are true coffee connoisseurs, and their vanilla (or almond, your choice) latte is amazing. They use beans that are roasted in Durham by Counter Culture Coffee, and their coffee is wonderful.

I do drink more than coffee, I promise! My favorite sodas come from Boylan Bottling Company--they use pure cane sugar rather than High Fructose Corn Syrup. Now, it doesn't make it healthy, by any means, but it is a more natural product, and it tastes great. I love their Black Cherry Soda, and their Ginger Ale as well. My favorite restaurant in Durham has a Boylan's drink dispenser, and I must confess to standing at the machine taking sips of all the flavors!

I enjoy hot tea as well, in a variety of flavors and colors (black, green, white). Teavana has excellent loose leaf tea, and gorgeous tea sets as well. I have a stunning set of dainty porcelain tea cups that I found on sale there--they are perfect for a girly 'spot of tea' on dreary afternoon.

So let me know--what are your favorite drinks? We'd love to hear your recommendations!

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