If you have babies or toddlers, chick this out. My friend Shannon told me about the blog: passionatehomemaking.com for loads of inspiration, recipes, etc. On that blog she features these uber cute shoes at Bugaloo Kids, which are only $15 a pair! The leading brand is twice that much! Anytime someone tries to make things affordable, it really makes me want to support them. Plus Heidi, the designer, donates 5% of her profits to the International Justice Mission.There are tons to choose from for boys and girls, and if you purchase 3 pair or more, the shipping is free, even internationally. Heidi is also giving away a pair of these shoes. To participate in the giveaway, visit the passionatehomemaking blog here, and to browse through the shoes, visit here.
I can't wait to order some, even for gifts, as I loooooved these types of shoes for Laney. Even if you're not interested in the shoe, do check out the passionate homemaking site. It's definitely worth your time.
Hey, they also mentioned that the shoes run big, so I know even my 2-year-old with small feet can get some wear out of these. I'm planning to get them for each of my girls for their "house shoes," since we have all cold, hard floors.
me too!!!!!!
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