Ask an Author...Children born close together

Posted by  | Tuesday, August 18, 2009  at 10:20 PM  
We received this question from a reader, "You all have small children. Who has children closest in age and how does that work out more than one little one?"

Several of us have children that were all born at nearly the same time. My two kids are eighteen months apart. Actually, I found the transition from one to two children relatively easy (of course, the first few weeks are always a little rough no matter how many children you have). We already had a schedule with our first, and I’ve done all I can to work our second child into that schedule. Now, she is three and he is eighteen months and they nap at the same time and go to bed at the same time. We can also read stories together and they play together wonderfully (most of the time). I wouldn’t change one thing about the way it has worked out. I love having them close together and it seems like they do too!


Unknown said...

Ours are 16 months apart and I agree that the transition was very easy (MUCH easier than we expected!) And Keaton (our oldest) loves his younger brother SO much! I really don't think he remembers too much before Benjamin was born (though does talk about how when B was little he'd cry and mommy would put him in the wrap or swing or feed him. Super sweet :) We're past the point of having two "that" close again, but I hope that we are able to have two that are close in age again. It's wonderful!! :)

Abby said...

Mine will be 13 months apart but new baby wont be here until January.. I am nervous but excited to have the kiddos so close in age... I sure am glad pregnancy is 9 months long though, I know our little guy isn't quite ready to share yet! The only thing I am REALLY nervous about is when my husband deploys and I am here with a 10mo old and a 2 year old..

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