A good stroller is worth its weight in gold and I've been a quest since day 1 to find a good stroller! One thing I've learned is that there is no perfect stroller, but some come close. Many are good for one purpose, but not another. I've also learned that the most expensive is not ALWAYS the best, but sometimes it is. :)
Before I continue - a favorite website of mine, Baby Cheapskate, has compiled a HUGE list of stroller ratings from Mom's just like us. Check it out if you're in the market for a new (or new-to-you) stroller!
Here is a quick rundown of strollers we have owned and my thoughts on each. I've linked each one so you can see what it looks like.
Peg Perego Aria - not worth the money, didn't roll straight, hard to maneuver, received as gift and used for first 9 (?) months of Will's life.
Graco Metrolite - good value for the money - used for overseas travel - lightweight - bought used on CL and resold for same amount shortly after our trip. :)
Graco Duoglider - did not like it, could hardly push around our hilly neighborhood while carrying infant carseat and lightweight 2 year old, very bulky and took up entire back of van! Bought new on clearance at BRU when pregnant with #2. Sold it pretty quickly, but did buy another used one just for our trip to Disney in January. Worked well for the crazy Disney crowds. Resold for same price after trip!
Baby Trend Expedition single jogger - good value for the money, great for walks around neighborhood when Will was young. Bought new when Will was young and used until Adeline came. Sold to Shannon C. via CL. What did you think, Shannon!?
Graco snugrider frame - GREAT alternative to large travel system stroller. Received as a gift and LOVE it! Have used it for both Will and Adeline while they used the infant carseat. Still have it waiting for more babies. :)
Graco Mosaic - great middle ground between umbrella and full size Graco. Sort of an upgraded umbrella stroller - folds like an umbrella, but has large basket and holds Graco infant seat. Rolled and maneuverd well! Bought on clearance at Target and used for over 2 years.
Graco Quattro Tour - large, bulky, but rolls great because of the large wheels - only had for a short time, downsized for smaller Graco Metrolite for oversea travel. Bought used off CL.
BOB revolution duallie - ALL TIME FAVORITE. Nothing compares to how easily this stroller is maneuvered. Can literally push and steer with one pinky. Can hold infant seat. Bought new (20% off at REI) when Adeline was 2 months old?
Chicco Capri- great, great upscale umbrella stroller w/ basket and 5 point harness - SECOND FAV. Wish they made a double stroller like this single one!
Chicco Trevvi Twin double umbrella - didn't like - bought on clearance at BRU to replace the duoglider after Adeline was born. VERY hard to open and close. Only owned for about 6 months.
Joovy Caboose - like the style (sit and stand) and the fact that it is a front/back (versus side by side), but very heavy and squeaky. Hard to maneuver and possibly finding a replacement for soon - at my husbands request! Originally bought off ebay for 50% the cost at BRU.
We currently own four - BOB, Joovy, Chicco capri and the Graco Snugrider frame. Because I keep another 18 month old during the week, a good double stroller is imperative for outings with all three kids. We use the BOB for long outings like the zoo or neighborhood walks. We use the Joovy for quick trips - I can actually get all three kids on this one! The two girls sit strapped in and Will stands in front of the girl in the back. The Chicco is mainly used when we just need Adeline in a stroller and Will is ok to walk.
The Graco Duoglider that we bought/sold just for our Disney trip. The huge basket was great for the day in Disney. The reclining backseat was (in theory) great for naps for 9 month old Adeline.

This post is dedicated to former president, George W. Bush and his stimulus package. Without which, we would not own our beloved BOB. I would also like to thank my husband for being so supportive of my "stroller swapping."
I am so happy to see someone else who has an obsession with strollers!! I have only purchased one (2 if you count the Snugride frame for carseat), but my daughter is only 6 weeks old and there's lots of time for more! HA! It took me a long time pick out one for purchase and I chose the Graco Quattro Tour which is wonderful for long walks. I use the stroller frame when I go into stores, but it is good for walks as well. Handles great and is so light weight. I am interested in the sit N stand when more children enter our family. : )
Love the shoutout Christina! I love the jogger and we use it often. I love how the canopy moves back and forth really far; ideal when the sun keeps moving. The only thing I would change is that I would like if it had a pivoting front wheel for taking turns.
You have given me a great idea about selling one of ours. We bought a Cosco one that was btw. an umbrella and my travel system. It has horrible maneuverability. I think I'll try to sell it on Craigslist and get a new one.
LOVE our single BOB, but will be selling it soon to get a double Bumbleride. Does anyone know anything about bumbles? I have a friend with a single and she loves it. I am looking at it over the double BOB because it ends up being a smidge cheaper and accessories are included (carseat adapter, rain guard, cup holder).
I found this post hysterical! It is so you, Christina! Also loved the pumpkin photo. . .
love you tons,
Thanks for reminding us that, if we don't like something, we can always sell it on Craig's List and buy something different! I currently have a DuoGlider for my two, but am looking for something different. Please let us know if you decide to purchase something to replace the Joovy--I am interested in your take on a different sit-n-stand model!
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