Easter Ideas

Posted by  | Sunday, April 17, 2011  at 7:36 AM  
We make Easter at our house a big deal. It is foundational to our faith and certainly worth celebrating! So, we go all out. We read Easter books, have special meals, and do crafts all revolving around the resurrection of our Lord. One thing my children particularly enjoyed was making a tomb. We spent all week building it out of an old box and paper mache and then decorating it. Then, it was placed in a prominent place in our home and the kids brought in outdoor finds to make it resemble a garden. On Good Friday we wrapped a play figure in strips of cloth and laid "Jesus" in the tomb, all the while talking about how sad it must have been. We placed Little People guards at the tomb and sealed it with the paper mache stone. On Easter morning, the kids were so excited to find the stone rolled away and the cloths lying alone, with the body of Jesus gone!
They are really excited to do this again this year. We are pulling our "tomb" out of storage today and will be creating our garden scene this week. We would love to hear how you celebrate Resurrection Day at your home. Please share your ideas!

1 comment:

Meg said...

What a great idea! My girls are obsessed with Little People and would love this!

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