Link Love from Meg

Posted by  | Thursday, January 26, 2012  at 8:55 PM  
We are hoping to get a schedule going and get back to having a topic each month, so please let us know if there is a topic you would like us to cover. But for now, I thought I'd share a few links that I've enjoyed over the past few weeks:

Masking Anger as Justice -- Very good article for parents! Showing anger (or frustration, annoyance, etc) will not produce righteousness in your children . . . even if all your anger is directed at sin. The wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God

What I Would Feed My Family on a Monthly Budget of $250 (for a family of 5) and her next post on how to improve that even more and tips on doing it gluten free, buying from Farmer's market, using a co-op, etc

The Death of Pretty -- Praying that my girls can understand the difference someday...

9 Ways To Cut Food Waste (and save time)

Don't Carpe Diem -- I love her honesty -- parenting is hard work and there are definitely moments I do not enjoy -- but it is ever so worth it!

10 Dumbest Things To Eat -- Such a great list! If you want to make easy changes in your diet, cutting out these ten things would make a HUGE difference!

BPA-Free Buying Guide -- better sources of tomatoes, coconut milk, fish and other food you might need to buy canned

You Never Marry the Right Person -- ‎"Destructive to marriage is the self-fulfillment ethic that assumes marriage and the family are primarily institutions of personal fulfillment, necessary for us to become "whole" and happy..."

"... even if we first marry the right person, just give it a while and he or she will change. For marriage, being [the enormous thing it is] means we are not the same person after we have entered it. The primary challenge of marriage is learning how to love and care for the stranger to whom you find yourself married."

Michael Pollen's Least Favorite Foods -- I'm a big fan of Michael Pollen so this was interesting to me :)

What Every Dad Should Know About His Daughter -- simple article, but true and good to think about

Godly Character Trait Printables -- I want to shrink these down to make into flashcards to incorporate into our homeschooling. And The Character Journal has a great extensive listing of each character trait with related songs, scripture verses, bible stories, projects and more for each character trait!

Stingy Out Gets Stingy In -- "... an example of this would be the mess in your house (I trust that you have one). When I focus on the mess, I am aggravated by the things that do not matter at the expense of the people who do. When I consciously refuse to be upset by the side product, I am free to enjoy the people who are messing it up. Giving my own work freely does not just make me a martyr."

Chick-Fil-A Daddy Date Night -- I'm not big on fast food, but a special night for Daddy and his girls with a princess cow and dancing is a pretty fun idea!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Love these. Please do this again :)

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