Adoption links

Posted by  | Thursday, April 12, 2012  at 7:30 AM  
While our family has yet to experience the joy of adoption, we definitely hope to pursue it at some point. I have been bookmarking articles and blogs that will be helpful to us in the future and I thought I would share them you you:

I became a fan of Tiffany at A Moment Cherished before she even began her adoption journey. I love her pictures and the way she writes. It has been absolutely beautiful to watch her passion for adoption grow and I have learned a lot from her adoption posts. She also has a great list of adoption resources that is very helpful. She also wrote a great article on "How to (Really) Help Adoptive Parents that everyone should read.

Justin Taylor wrote a great article called "The Risk of Transracial Adoption"

Nicole Whitacre from GirlTalk has a good article on "Why Adoption?"

Kelly's Korner has a great link-up for Adoption fundraisers

Stephen Curtis Chapman has a fabulous website with all kinds of resources for those interested in adopting or helping those who want to adopt.

The Nuts and Bolts of Adoption is filled with extremely valuable practical info for those considering adoption.

A very thought-provoking post: So You Think You Should Adopt? Please Don't"

A local friend has adopted many children and her story is quite a testament to God's grace and provision. She has just written a great book called "More Than "I" Can Handle" and it is now available for pre-order!

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