This is my day to post how I came to know Christ as Lord and Savior. Sooo, here it goes…
I was raised in a Christian home. I have always been a “rule follower” and a people pleaser so doing the “right things” were not difficult for me to accomplish ON MY OWN. Since I had grown up in church, I knew all of the right answers. At the age of eight, I followed one of my friends and walked forward in a church service and filled out a membership card. I considered that my salvation experience for many years. I doubted my salvation many times over the years. At age sixteen I was a counselor in a revival at our church and there I prayed a prayer that an evangelist said that I had to pray in order to be saved. He said, “If you have never said that you want to make Jesus LORD of your life…then you are not saved!” So, I prayed THAT prayer. This was just another way that I was trying to make myself “right” with God…another rule to follow! I considered that my salvation experience until 6 years ago.
Six years ago (after being a pastor's wife for 10 years) God began convicting me of my own sin. For four days I argued with God. I told Him I really was saved because I had prayed the “right” prayer, I had never really been “bad”, I had been a leader in my youth group, I had led many people to Christ, I had been a Sunday School teacher, and most of all I was a pastor’s wife. Hee..Hee...WHO WAS I KIDDING! After four days of misery (really, years of misery), I realized that I had NEVER been sorry for MY OWN sins. I only relied on my goodness to make God pleased with me. I made salvation ABOUT ME and my accomplishments and works before HIM. I never had made salvation about Him. I gave my life to Christ in my bedroom floor with my husband by my side. There has never been a doubt again…
I am amazed daily by His abundant grace and forgiveness. The things He does in my life to draw me to Himself make me in AWE of Him everyday!! I desire for HIM to be glorified in every area of my life!

this is a great testimony! we've all heard the down and out, drugs, etc. stories, but this is different. It is nice for us who did not grow up in a chirstian home to hear. All have sinned and no one is good. Praise Jesus for lifting your veil of "goodness" and bringing you home. thanks for sharing.
This was powerful and precious! I find that sorrow for our own sin and a total realization of our need to rely on an 'alien righteousness' for salvation and not a prayer to be what is sadly lacking in so many of todays sermons....I think its also a growing in that sense that keeps us humbly walking with him needing the gospel just as much for the daily struggles as we did for our conversion too...thank you for sharing!
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