Advice from our Mom's - Revisited

Posted by  | Saturday, November 29, 2008  at 11:26 AM  
I loved reading the advice from our Mom's during this week. This post was written by Stacey's Mom in June, 2008. Enjoy reading her wisdom again! We hope you've liked the whole "revisited" theme of this week. It helped us all enjoy time with our families! Stay tuned for posts this week from Stacey, Krista and several guests on raising kids overseas!

Hi, my name is Susanne and I am Stacey’s mom. She asked me a few weeks ago to send her something for the blog on "advice for motherhood" and as usual I have waited until the last minute. I really don't know how much advice I have but I can tell you what is in my heart.

As far back as I can remember I wanted to be a mom. This subject was not discussed in my house when I was little. I knew grown women had babies but I remember thinking that a baby started growing in your tummy when you were little, and when you got to a certain age the baby was born (had no idea how that would happen.) I always wanted 4 children. Well the Lord blessed me with 2 boys and 2 girls!! Going into labor with the first one was an awakening experience. No one, not even the doctor told me very much. So, at the time I began to think maybe just one child would be enough. When I held that tiny baby for the first time, all the pain and fear left.

Mothering has not always been a bed of roses, but like the labor pains, the hard times have faded. All 4 children are grown now and have given us 9 wonderful grandchildren! I am known as Grammie, and their dad is Grandaddy.

I guess if I were to give any advice it would be these few things:

Pray for your children daily: pray for the person they are to marry, for their future and for Jesus to be First in their lives.
Keep them active in church.
Help them choose close friends. I always knew the parents of their close friends.
Allow your house to be a “fun place” for your kids and their friends to hang out!
Compliment them A LOT. I told each child daily that I loved them, and they were pretty or handsome.

Even though all 4 children are grown, I check with them on a regular basis. I still pray for them, they are still active in their churches, they have great spouses (one yet to be married) and I still compliment them by telling them they are pretty or handsome! That also goes for the 9 grandchildren!! Above all…pray daily for your children and for wisdom in raising them.


noahandlylasmommi said...

what great advice. thanks for sharing. she sounds like a wonderful mom/ grandmother!

Matt and Stacey said...

awwwww....thanks! we think so!


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