Joel is full of milestones this past month. He turned 1 on March 18 and has since learned how to crawl, walk, sign, and point to facial features. It's amazing what kids can do in just two short months! He has learned to sign "All Done" and "More" at the dinner table. I would like to teach him "Please" and "Thank You" next, as well as "Milk". Do you do sign language with your children? What signs did you start with and what age was your child when they started signing?
Samuel is talking more and more these days - he pretty much chats my ear off from the time he gets up until the time he goes to bed. He has taken to asking "What does _________ mean?" and "What starts with ___ (name a letter)?" This fills a lot of our day. I am wanting to push myself to be creative with my time with the boys. Anyone have great ideas for little games or conversations to have with a two year old throughout the day?
Samuel is also really into reading his "Bible" lately. We have The Beginners' Bible by Zonderkidz. We read at least three stories before naptime and bedtime each day. We are on our fifth or sixth time through the book. It is fun because Samuel is starting to remember a little more about the people and stories. Although I will say that the thing he asks most is "where are the idols?" Why do they have to make those things look so cool?! That's what sticks in his head the most. What do you read with your toddler/preschooler?
I started doing sign language with my son when he was a little over 10 months old. I wish I would have started sooner! It's amazing how quickly they learn! I started with more, eat, and milk. Then I taught him all done, drink, bird, no, and book. Since then he has invented his own signs for come, dirty, and airplane. I really believe that he is such a "happy" baby in part because he can express himself and tell me what he wants.
Another great book is the kids version of Oswald Chambers devotional, My utmost for His Highest. The girls liked it so much we are actually on our second copy.
I used sign when I was a developmental therapist all the time. It definitely encouraged me to use it with my son. I have been signing milk, all done, and more to him practically since he was born. He totally understands them and gets super excited about either one. He is starting to try to do the more sign. He is 9 months. The next signs I will do are please, thank you, yes, no, and eat. If you are looking for an amazing resource babysigns is my favorite. They have a little brochure thing that has a ton of signs on it for about $8. It has them seperated into when to use them like mealtime, bedtime, outside, etc. It is wonderful!
We started signing at 8 months with Eli. He signs lots of things, but I started with words he needed to prevent frustration. In other words, his favorite things. His first signs were "ball" and "outside." His vocabulary at 14 months consists of about 20+ signs (and word approximations). If nothing else, I believe it has prevented frustration and tantrumming.
I started signing "diaper change" and "nurse" with my son when he was 4 months old. I knew it would be a long while before he did them back, but he started to understand them around 5 months old. Also, for one full day he would lift his hands when I said "up" but has refused to to it ever since. I can't figure out what changed, but will just keep doing it and maybe he will start again :-p Any ideas on what happened? I think I have been consistent.
I think I will wait for him to start doing the ones I have already introduced and then add "more" "eat" and "please."
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