Welcome Baby & Please Pray

Posted by Unknown | Sunday, August 23, 2009  at 2:36 PM  
A huge welcome to sweet Baby Girl Carson - Mattie Rebecca, brand new daughter to Hugh & Hollie Carson and little sister to Laney. She was born Sunday morning after a tough labor and delivery. She's also now taken up residence in the NICU. Here's the info from Hollie's blog:

Here is the situation. Mattie Rebecca was born around 7am this morning. She was with us doing well for 3 hours until we noticed that her color was a bit dull. They took her to the NICU b/c her heart isn't getting enough oxygen into her blood. They just came back with her blood oxygen levels showing that it is more serious than fluid on her lungs. It is either pneumonia or some time of congenital heart defect. They will be doing an ultrasound shortly to see if there are any structural problems with her heart to hopefully rule out heart problems. Please pray that it is only pneumonia and that the meds will take care of that problem. It looks like Mattie will be here for at least a week. Also, she will more than likely be put on a ventilator unless there are signs of great improvement.

The other problem is that Hollie will be getting a blood transfusion in about an hour. She lost too much blood during labor.

Please pray that Mattie's heart is ok AND that she will quickly recover to get oxygen into her blood.
Please pray that the transfusion will go smoothly for Hollie so that she can recover and go to see Mattie in NICU.
Please pray that our faith in God's goodness and providence would remain and grow in this season.


InDeeds said...

I will definitely be praying!

Check out The Webels said...

Praying now...

Courtney said...

Praying for health and healing and peace in this hard time.

Pam said...

Praying for the Carson family and sweet Mattie!

Anonymous said...

Oh Father, the Great Physician. Please help the Carson family to abide in your love and presence during this heart-wrenching time. Please heal little Mattie and Hollie. In Jesus name, Amen.

noahandlylasmommi said...

Praying for Baby Mattie, Leah and the rest of the family.

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