Book Reviews: Christian Fiction Favorites!

Posted by  | Monday, February 15, 2010  at 3:10 PM  
Every year our church hosts a big book swap. This past year, I picked up a book by Christian Fiction writer, Karen Kingsbury. I'd heard great things about her books from several ladies and thought I'd give them a try. I'll admit, I was skeptical. I'd never read Christian Fiction, assuming it would be cheesy.

Well, I wasn't 100% wrong about the cheesy part. The books definitely have their share of cheese. But I can't begin to explain how much of a breath of fresh air they were! Scripture is woven throughout the pages and throughout the characters lives. So encouraging compared to other fiction novels I've read.

The book shown here is the one I got from our book swap. It's called Redemption and is the first book in a loooong series. It's 1 of 5 in the Redemption Series which is the first set in the "Baxter Family" series. The other two Baxter series are "Firstborn" and "Sunrise." So far I've read the first 10 books (!!!) - completing the Redemption and Firstborn series. I can't tell you how many times I've cried through these books and how I've been completely unable to put them down!

I'm currently waiting to get my requested "Sunrise" (1st book in the last Baxter series) at the library.

Here's the summary of the first book, Redemption, from the author's website:

"When Kari Baxter Jacobs finds out that her husband is involved in an adulterous relationship and wants a divorce, she decides she will love him and remain faithful to her marriage at all costs. This book shows how God can redeem seemingly hopeless relationships, and it illustrates one of Gary Smalley's key messages: Love is a decision."

Anyone else have a favorite Christian Fiction author? Or another favorite Karen Kingsbury book?


Carol Seitz said...

I also like Karen Kingsbury books. Two of my other favorite Christian authors are Beverly Lewis and Lori Wick.

Jennifer said...

I have also enjoyed her recent book, Shades of Blue. It was very enlightening. I've loved all her series.

Jenn said...

I also think Christian fiction can be very cheesy, but the Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers is a must-read. The series is about the first generation of Christians living in Rome. Think "Gladiator" meets the apostle John. So. Good.

Deborah said...

I could go on and on about Christian fiction--I love it. Frank Peretti is an all-time favorite; his work makes the supernatural elements of life (angels, demons) very real--start with This Present Darkness and its sequel, Piercing the Darkness. For suspense with some wonderful conversion stories and romance, you can't beat Dee Henderson, especially her O'Malley series. Lori Wick is wonderful at both contemporary and historical novels that present spiritual truth in a romantic framework. Angela Hunt's contemporary novels are great for making you think ... like I said, I could go on and on, but I'll stop there :) (I do also love the Mark of the Lion series that Jenn mentioned.)

Courtney said...

I second Francine Rivers "Mark of Lion"- so so good, I read all three in a week at the beach (prekids of course) and also Dee Henderson's O'Malley series. And Christina I just read Take One and Take Two- they have Baxters in them but are about new characters. I love how Karen ties in some of her old characters because after reading them forever you feel like you have gotten to know them so it's fun to "catch up" with them in new books

Christina said...

Courtney - so glad to know that you like to catch up with old characters too! I feel so lame that I'm so excited to start the next book b/c I can't WAIT to hear how everyone is doing. Like they are real life friends or something!! :)

Great recommendations everyone!!

camoy said...

I have read the entire Redemption Series as well as the First Born Series (Baxter's #2)set. Karen Kingsbury is wonderful to read. all 10 of these books were unable to put down material. They are all a must read.

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