My husband and I do not often make New Year's Resolutions, but this year we are both working towards a goal of memorizing the book of Philippians. A friend of ours, Tim Brister, has put together a 16 week plan that has us completing the memorization by Easter week. You can read all about it here: Partnering to Remember--the 2011 Philippians Memory Moleskine. If you are interested in participating, it is easy to download the PDF and set up your little memory verse notebook. Tim helps with the set-up of a memory moleskine.
I have referenced this before, and Tim makes use of it as well, but my pastor Andy Davis's booklet on Extended Memorization of Scripture is very helpful for projects like this! Our church is encouraging its members to take part in this memorization 'project', and Nathan and I hope to encourage our small group and Sunday School class to participate as well. Can you imagine what a blessing will come from a group of believers partnering together to memorize God's word? I am very excited about it.
This may seem like a daunting prospect, especially for me since I am expecting a baby any day now. However, though I may not have time for in-depth Bible Study during the early (sleep deprived) newborn days, I have 6-8 times a day that I will be nursing--and what a wonderful time to review and meditate on Scripture! My memory moleskine is pocket sized and perfect for reviewing during midnight nursing sessions :-)
Just in case anyone is interested, I have posted pictures below of my notebook (I followed Timmy's set-up, but I did make my cover a little more 'girly'--it helps distinguish between my notebook and Nathan's notebook). I am praying for the Lord to bless this endeavor, and I would love for you to participate with me! Let me know if you decide to, and we can hold each other accountable!
Two last notes: Tim has a post up today with some Tips for memorization and meditation. Also, I bought my Moleskine notebooks on (in packs of three), and I have one or two left if any local readers want one. Blessings to you in the New Year!
Hey! I'm gonna give this a shot, but I have a question for those of you who have done this before: Do you really memorize all the verse numbers? So, on a really practical level, as you are sitting there saying the new verses to yourself, do you say out loud, "TWO. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."? It feels so awkward! :)
My husband found this and suggested we memorize together. I have a 2 month old and an almost 2 year old and while it does seem daunting, I am excited to be working on it together. We are memorizing the numbers and saying them right now, but planning on dropping saying them out loud once we have the verses memorized. It feels awkward, but it is helping us to pinpoint the verses that we have completely memorized and the ones that are more difficult
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