I recently checked out this gem at our library. I started it last night and am really excited to recommend it. It is R.C. Sproul Jr's When you Rise Up: A Conventional Approach to Homeschooling. So far, it has been a super encouraging read. He gives a lot of godly perspective to the why's of homeschooling. I haven't finished it, so I can't give it a full review, but wanted to throw it in here in the middle of all the schooling posts this week!
I found this book very encouraging-- esp the first four chapters... and then I took the rest with a grain of salt. I highly recommend it for the good outweighs the bad, but don't let the bad deter you from seeing the advantages to homeschooling.
I never commented about your thoughts on this...and I totally meant to. The same day you wrote this, I was planning to add an "update" to the top of this post. I got further in the book and realized there were parts I did not agree with. Overall, it was still an encouraging read like you said. But I do feel like I should add a disclaimer to my recommendation now!
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