Leah F's links (June 29, 2011)

Posted by  | Wednesday, June 29, 2011  at 2:30 PM  
Earlier this week, I read this post about teaching your children about missions. It was originally posted on Desiring God's website several years ago, but it is helpful to be reminded of ways to share a love of the gospel with our children. For more ideas on becoming a missional family, check out the resources offered here at Treasuring Christ Curriculum's website (additional plug--it's a great curriculum developed for K-12 to be used in churches, and written by one of my dearest friends!)

And, just because I'm a nerd, married to a real history nerd, I have to recommend this article on women in church history: Women In Black Too: The Untold Story of Women and the Reformation. Several years ago, I took the class Women in Church History here at SEBTS. It was a small class of just 5 ladies, taught by the brilliant Amanda Aucoin, and I loved it. The article talks about several women we covered in our class discussions (which were always a lot of fun!).

So those are my random links for the week. If the long article on women in church history intrigues you, check out this new book--it's on my wishlist:-)

What blog posts or articles have caught your eye this week?

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