The Wisdom of a Mentor (advice on dealing with Back Talk)

Posted by  | Monday, June 27, 2011  at 10:11 PM  
A friend stopped by tonight to encourage me in my efforts to train up Samuel. What a blessing! She brought over the book "For Instruction in Righteousness" by Pam Forster (published by Doorposts). This is a gem of a book! The index lists a multitude of sins that you may see in your child. Each chapter is about 3-4 pages long. To give you an idea of how the book is laid out, I decided to look up the chapter on "Scoffer/Scorner". The chapter gives:

General information and commandments about this sin - a list of 11 Scripture references.

What happens, or should happen, to the scorner - a list of 17 Scripture references, some with additional ideas of how that consequence may look in the life of your child (for example, Pr. 13:18 Poverty and shame - take away belongings and rights).

The sin of scorning is likened to - a list of 3 Scripture references and a teachable idea (ex. Isa. 5:24 Root as rottenness, blossom as dust - Examine the roots of shriveled plants in the garden; observe what happens to flowers after they are picked.)

Stories that illustrate the consequences of scornfulness - 11 stories to read from the Bible.

The blessings of humility and a teachable spirit - a list of 8 Scripture references, some with ideas (ex. Pr. 19:25 Reproof leads to understanding - help the child to see his own growth and progress as he correctly responds to discipline)

Stories that illustrate the blessings of a teachable spirit - 2 stories to read from the Bible.

Verses to memorize - 4 verses

Scriptural principles to follow when dealing with a scoffer - a page and a half of Biblical wisdom/insight as well as ways to pray for your child.

Isn't that awesome?!

Also, Ellen shared with me some experiences of raising her own three children as well as fond memories she has of them growing up. She allowed me to talk about how I'm feeling about things and what I'd like to see. Then she prayed with me and for me.

This was such a sweet encouragement for me and a challenge to be a godly mother. My plan is to sit down with Samuel in the morning and talk about the issue of talking back, look through the Bible together to see what it has to say about it, and then agree together with him on a consequence for disobeying as well as a promise to be looking for him to answer with respect. Hopefully we can really focus on this this week and then move on.

As for the new book, I am definitely going to be ordering one of these and keeping it on hand! It is such an awesome resource!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love the Doorpost stuff! I should have known :) So happy for you that you had such great encouragement!

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