As a way to celebrate our new look, we are offering a cute little giveaway...
A set of 15 Preschool Busy Bags! The lucky winner of this giveaway will receive 15 Preschool Activity Bags, all assembled and ready to entertain your preschooler. The 15 bags come with a handy tote to keep them all stored in one place.
Here are the ins and outs of the giveaway. Please leave a comment to this post to let us know what you enjoy most about Prayer of Hannah. We will leave the comments open until 12 midnight on Thursday, August 18. At that time, we will close the comments and pick a winner at random. One entry per person. We will announce the winner on Friday and ship your Activity Bags to you. This giveaway is not limited to the United States - we will ship anywhere worldwide. We know a lot of our readers live all around the world and we'd hate to leave you out!
Thanks so much for stopping by and checking us out! Good luck!
I love that you are all such godly examples of Biblical parenting! Such an encouragement to me, living overseas, among many unbelievers.
Ooh, I would love to start these busy bags with my preschooler! I love that POH has so many categorized topics. I refer to old posts often, and it's great to read from a varity of Christian women!
Love the new look!! One of my favorite things about POH is reading the transparent and honest stories about the journey of motherhood from Christian women--the good, the bad, and the ugly!
I like the variety of posts on so many different topics, with all of the bloggers being in a little bit different situation and having different kid (and other) issues. I like the Christ-centeredness most of all!
oh I love the new look! and I love that you are limiting the giveaway to u.s. only! yay! I've just had a baby, so my two year old would LOVE this! I enjoy prayer of hannah's attempt to be geniune, vulnerable and honest about everyday issues I am faced with- it is so refreshing to also hear the biblical worldview displayed as a solution to such issues. keep it up! thanks ladies!
are not* limiting it to US only :)
I worked at Franklin Academy with some of you and enjoy hearing about your parenting successes and struggles. I found many of your posts about new babies and breastfeeding to be most helpful when my son was an infant. I check in on your blog daily and am always excited to see a new post. Keep up the good work!
I'm not sure how I came across Prayer of Hannah about two years ago, but have loved it ever since. My husband and I are both SEBTS grades, so it's great to have a blog with so many topics that have the same philosophy and standards that our family does. I've enjoyed every post! I've learned new information, put it into practice. Case in point... I just started organizing a Busy Bag Swap with some of my friends here in S.C. We're all excited! but I'd love to win these as well! Thanks for a GREAT blog!! I share you with many others.
I love the new blog look...that most of you all are people that I know and appreciate in person and not just in the blog world and that your ideas are tried and true! Hugs to you all! Gi
I love that there are various contributors so that each subject has various points of view. . . I'm almost always sure to find something that I think could work for my family.
I like that women who are like-minded with me write. Having a personal connection with Leah F. helps because I know I can trust the content to biblical. Where we are currently, I'm in a position to teach others, but I need encouragement and helpful thoughts from others for myself, and POH helps provide that. The new look is great, and I'll grab your tag! I'll be after some of y'all soon for some guest posts on my blog!
I love reading about how other Godly women build their homes and train up their children. I love how you share both successes and struggles! It's real life!
This would be great thereapy bags for my pre-schooler I so appreciate your topics and I reference older topics very often you are truly a "friend circle" and amazing mentors at a time of my life when others are not easily accessible
I'm so excited about your activity bags! I'm encouraged by your blog and all the fun, Biblical things you do with your kids. :)
I love that anytime I have an issue with one of my kiddos I can usually find a post relating to it and find encouragement and advice.
This is my first time visiting prayer for Hannah and I am looking forward to exploring!!
I enjoy how there are different authors so you get a different perspective on topics. I also appreciate your honesty in the struggles of Mommy-hood.
I love that POH is a place where I can gain mothering insight from a bunch of Christian moms...and that your posts aren't sugar coated 'we have it all together' posts...they're real and honest, life in the trenches kind of posts, which I appreciate so much! Also, I'm a sucker for a good birth I really enjoyed those posts as well! :)
I have been reading POH for a while now and I have enjoyed going back and reading all of the previous articles. I have learned so much and gleamed so much wisdom from each of you as I seek to raise my two children to seek after God! :)
I love that your kids are all about the same age as our kids so your topics are always of interest to me. But, most of all I love that you all are seeking HIS face in all that you do.
So great to read different ideas and points of view on many different child-rearing subjects. I've enjoyed reading here for several years!
I love POH because I can exchange ideas and get encouragement from Godly women on topics that are immediately relevant to my life.
I follow P.O.H. because of the encouragement I find. Mothering is hard and can be really isolating and it's nice to have a "community" of like-minded women to learn from and walk alongside. Thanks!
I have been following POH almost since it started- way before we even had our son. I love the Biblical encouragement and advice that is given as well as the hands-on advice of activities for little ones and easy healthy recipes.
I have been reading POH for several years now, and my favorite thing has been the variety of information offered. As a new mom it has been a true blessing to me.
I love the encouragement this blog brings to my days at home with a 2 and 3 year old :) :)
I love the variety of topics...and especially that you help me learn how to incorporate Jesus into all of these areas. Thanks for being generous to share your lives with all of us!
I have been thinking about making my own activity bags for my 18-month old to use when I am nursing my newborn (due in a few weeks!). I would LOVE to win these! I have been a faithful POH reader for a couple years now having met a few of you through a mutual friend during our time at SEBTS. I love the variety of your posts and how encouraging they are to me as a young mom trying to raise my little girl (soon to be girls!) to know and love the Lord.
The new blog design looks great! I enjoy the different perspectives that you each provide.
Love the different ideas shared at POH
This would be perfect for our homeschooling in the fall! I love that there are different perspectives/opinions given on a variety of topics (all Godly, never judgmental). i have never checked your blog and felt threatened or discouraged by the information that i have found! very refreshing for a momma! =)
I get some great ideas every time I read. I love the differing personalities. The site looks great!
love the new layout! i love that most of you are in the exact same place in life and have so many different options in parenting!
I love POH for its array of topics and the insight it provides to me as a mom. I feel like the site offers so much support and guidance in so many areas. Thanks ladies!
I love all the practical mothering advice!
i love all the perspectives and ideas on so many different topics!
Oh I love the new site! It is so pretty! :) I love all of the parenting perspectives you all have to offer. I'm excited to hear more as you all venture into the school years! :)
I'm new to the site but have definitely added it to my favorites! I love the idea of the activity bags and I really like the name of your site and what it stands for.
I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE me some busy bags!!!
I love the variety of topics that you discuss, all things I have dealt with, am currently dealing with or will deal with in the future. Thanks for providing a Godly perspective on these real issues.
I like POH because there are creative ideas and encouragement! Thanks! (and Leah is my sweet friend).
I love that we are "like minded" believers and that your ideas on parenting are exactly what I'm looking for!
I love your homeschooling entries- especially the one on reading!
Thank you, Jess
I love having a blog to go to that includes so many relevant topics, topics that really address personal goals of mine, such as being a godly wife and mother, being organized, being creative with my children, being a good steward, and so much more! Thank you for all of you who contribute to it!
I have learned so much from POH and have even emailed to ask questions and advice sometimes. Honestly, by the experience and knowledge posted here I was able to make a decision to cloth diaper, VBAC, grind my own wheat and bake bread----all on the same day! Just kidding! I love POH and the new look!
I would love the busy bags for my toddler and infant.
i LOVE POH! it kept telling me it was private when i tried to click through blogger yesterday to read a few posts... so i'm so glad it's not! i've read for a long time! i love that your posts are honest, applicable and Christ-centered... and that you address a variety of topics! :) keep up the great work!
I love that there is so much experiential wisdom here on this one blog, from so many women that I adore.
What a fun giveaway! I love that you have topics all neatly organized so that I can click and easily find if I'm looking for something on a particular subject. Also love the real life experiences that you share!!!
Love you parenting stories! Thanks for hosting this give away!
I just found your site and so far have enjoyed reading about your family and mothering.
I love that you share so many points of view and are so relatable. I appreciate the honest and uplifting nature of what you do!
Such good ideas here!
Green and white are my favorite colors! Love the fresh new look. My favorite thing about POH is being able to read from several different perspectives on the same topic. A collection of ideas instead of one opinion. Very helpful, because there is no one size fits all in parenting.
I would love to win this! My favorite thing about POH is are the parenting and schooling posts.
I love Inspiring Stories. It is so encouraging to hear other peoples journeys and perspectives!
I don't see my comment from yesterday! I hope I'm not entering twice! I really have learned so much from you ladies from breastfeeding to cloth diapering to homeschooling. Thanks!
I love the biblical parenting advice on just about ANY topic. Great for a first time mom like me (but really any mom!).
I love the ideas for books, activities, schedules, etc for kids of certain age groups. This giveaway would be great for my little girl! Thanks!
I love that POH is well organized and covers a variety of topics. I come here often and have told many friends about POH. Thanks for all the work you all put into the site! As a side note, with a four year old, an 18month old, and one due in 2 months, our family would love this activity pack!
I love all the different perspectives from each author. You guys cover great topics!
love the new look first, but i love that all the post are categorized, and i can say wonder if prayer of hannah has stuff on that, click & voila! thank you for making such wisdom readily available!!!
I love how encouraging you all are! I also love that, since there are more than just one contributor, there are always multiple ideas on how do deal with parenting challenges! Thanks!!!
Love that there are other woman dealing with the same issues and the practical advise. As well as the great ideas for homeschooling, activities, recipes, ect. Thankyou!
I like POH because of the variety and sincerity of topics/perspectives. When I read your blog it feels like I am getting advice from friends. Thanks.
I ideas you ladies have on here! Also a great place to come for advice. I have been reading since the blog started.
This is the first time I've ever been to this blog, but I would probably like the faith part the best. I love the ideas of the busy bags! :)
cheled77 at hotmail dot com
Fun giveaway! What I like most about the POH blog is just the focus on motherhood in general! Thanks ladies.
I love all of the practical parenting tips and honesty. As a mother of two little ones living overseas, this website is a great resource!
Thank you for collaborating to give us so many ideas and such encouragement!You are a blessing. I am a lazy lazy woman and it would MAKE MY DAY to win this set of pre-made activity bags for my 2yo while I school the 4yr and 6yr olds!
Fun! Thanks for letting us in on this C!
I've been reading POH for YEARS... I love that there is so much God-focused, Word-focused, family-focused sharing... OH, and please pick us! I have 3 kids at home under age 5, and two 5-year-olds coming home from Ukraine! We could certainly use 15 Preschool Activity Bags! lol
I appreciate all the posts you've devoted to the births of your children. Thank you for all you ladies are doing!
wow. look at all the comments! Love the new design by the way!
I love your site! I have just started looking at it and it is encouraging to me because you are so real! I woudl love to win!
I originally found your blog when a fellow missionary mom referenced it in a post of her own. I think that was about 2 years ago, and while I am no longer on the field, I still enjoy reading and gaining wisdom from all he mothers who contribute here. - April
I love that your posts are categorized by topic so I can look them up anytime!
I was still in the middle of preparing my 15 bags (I think I have 6 done so far) when I saw this giveaway. So if I win his (and I hope I do!!!) then I will give these completed, much nicer bags to my friend Julie who has a toddler also and a 5 year old and a newborn to come Sept. 3rd! She's sure got her hands full and I know she has no time to do 15 busy bags. :)
I enjoy the wide variety of topics. It's a good reference about all different aspects of parenting.
I first found prayer of hannah a little over three years ago when I was pregnant with my first son. I loved the list 'best items for newborns'. I have been hooked since! Love how you share wonderful ways to instill Godly character in our kiddos!
I've been following this blog since before I had children. This has been my go-to spot for advice practical advice on bringing up babies. I appreciate all the personal stories and Christ-centered wisdom. Thanks!
I love the variety of topics here at POH and the encouraging blogs written by mom in the midst of parenting little ones. You Christian moms are an encouragement to this stay-at-home mom:)
I would love to use these bags with my 2 and 3 year old. I have been reading POH since I was pregnant with my first baby. It has been a great source of advice.
I like that I can relate to many of you. I appreciate your transparancy. I read even before I had my daughter, but I enjoye it even more now that I'm a mom.
I love the real ideas from real moms!
We're all in it together. There is no one expert on everything. This blog is the Body of Christ in action: support, encouragement, loving admonishment and biblical wisdom. Women who love God and love their families from all over the world can find insight, laughs, advice, and best of all the reminder that whatever it is we are going through, someone else has already gone through it, and we will get through it too. Thanks for being faithful to represent the Titus 2 and Proverbs 31 woman in a world where she is seen as weak. Thanks for spurring me on in my call as a homemaker.
What don't I love about this blog? lol I really like that almost every post has something that is applicable to me. I also like that you guys have differing opinions on things but can look past differences and still be friends with a common purpose.
This is actually my first time visiting this blog, it looks very cute and creative. I love the design and it seems very easy to use. I also love the verse you used for your blog!
I would love to have these busy bags. I'm starting homeschooling my oldest this fall, and this would keep my other two children busy. I love the post where you share what's going on in your personal lives-- thank you for being so transparent. It encourages me to know that I'm not alone in this.
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