Question for the readers about babies and trauma...

Posted by  | Thursday, September 1, 2011  at 6:26 AM  
We had quite a scary weekend with my sweet baby (you can read about it HERE if you wish) and she ended up in the ER with lots of tests and procedures. I am ever so thankful that physically she came out just fine and is completely healthy today. However, emotionally, she is still struggling a lot. It was a traumatic experience for her and she has had a really hard time allowing me to put her down for a nap or even get out of her sight. The hardest part for me is that she no longer simply fusses or even cries the way she used to -- the minute she gets tired or wants me to pick her up, she gets a heart-wrenching terrified look in her eyes and just starts screaming hysterically, just as she did in the ER when undergoing the tests. It is a cry that I had never heard from her before her trauma and it just breaks my heart. She is also still waking up every other hour at night when she used to wake only once at the most. I know this is temporary and I am just trying to comfort her as best I can and wear her in my baby carrier as much as possible, but I was just curious if other readers had experienced anything similar with their little ones. If so, how long did it last and do you have any tips for me? One friend mentioned that cranial sacral massage therapy had really helped her newborn grand-baby who went through a lot of trauma at birth. Have any of you ever heard of that? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

1 comment:

ChezDeshotels said...

I would love the same advise as well when my youngest was 5 weeks old she spiked a fever of 105 and no other symptoms and so we immediatly went to the peditrician and then to the hospital for a catheter, spinal tap, chest xrayand blood and it was tramatic as well I had my 3.5 year old with me and I wasn't even supposed to drive for 1 more week since I had had a difficlt c-section My husband was at his grandma's funeral and all my other family was in nevada so I was solo. After a very long day with a tramatized baby and 3 year old we found out she had double pnemonia and a viral lung infection. I begged to not have admitted because of staff etc... we were able to do antibiotic shots and oral antibiotic for 3 weeks. She had to be held up and walked to breathe for3 weeks and I was solo so I know your exhaustion. She recovered after about a month and lost 3 lbs with it. It started our road to asthma and her being tramatized with drs and hospitals and to this day if we have to go to either she screams for over 1/2 hour so any advice will be helpful so glad she was okay

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