Links For The New Year

Posted by  | Wednesday, January 4, 2012  at 3:26 PM  
I know that the New Year has already arrived, and I pray that many of you have already had a wonderful start to 2012! Perhaps you have already made your New Year's resolutions, have checked many things off your to-do list, and are diligently applying yourself in multiple areas. Or, perhaps, you are like me, and you are still recovering from visiting family and are just now thinking about plans for the new year. Jump on my boat, and enjoy a few links that might be helpful as we seek to focus on Christ, love our husband, and parent our children well.

Justin Taylor has a blog post outlining multiple Bible Reading Plans for 2012. What plan or method are you using to read God's Word this year?

Crystal at Money Saving Mom shares how she sets yearly goals (I so need to do this!).

When I Rise blog has seven prayers you can pray over your children throughout the day.

The Gospel Coalition is sponsoring a National Women's Conference in Orlando this June, and it will be incredible. I will be there, and want to encourage YOU, our readers, to attend as well. Are you going? Let's meet up! 

What sort of resolutions have you made for the new year? How are you seeking to make the most of Christ and his gospel in 2012? How can we encourage you more?

1 comment:

Meg said...

Thanks for the link on different Bible Reading plans -- I really enjoyed looking through them. I've been doing the "Bible Plan for Shirkers and Slackers" and it really works well for a busy Mama. But I was really intrigued by the "How to Master the English Bible" plan and I am excited to try it this year!

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