Random Swaddle Question

Posted by Meg | Saturday, January 8, 2011  at 1:21 PM  
Since we are talking about newborn products and it seems like many of you use a swaddle with your babies, I thought I'd ask how long you swaddle them. My first baby was such an awesome sleeper in the swaddle that I didn't have the nerve to stop using it til she was about 9 months old! (I know, it was a little ridiculous :) She definitely didn't need it that long, but she was addicted to it and I was addicted to such great sleep! It was hard for her to give it up, though, so with my second baby, I took it away around 6 months. Still a tough transition. I'm thinking that they probably don't need it any more once the "startle reflex" is gone, but I thought I'd ask about your experiences as I think about how long to swaddle my new baby. So let me know: how long did you swaddle your babies?


Rachael Davis said...

I swaddle my babies until they refuse to be swaddled. They sleep better when snugged up tight, and to be honest, even though it may have been a sleep prop for both of mine, the sleep was worth it to me! I swaddled my daughter until 7 months or so, and my son until 6 months - both of them gave me clear signals that they were done.

Keri Ronk said...

I swaddled our oldest in a SwaddleMe blanket until she was 10 months old... haha that is a long time but by that point she would break her arms out anyways so it wasn't a huge transition for us once we stopped. I think I was just nervous to give her a normal blanket which is why we continued for so long. Our newest is a preemie who is still in the NICU so she is still being swaddled obviously!

Do you know what you are having this time?

Anonymous said...

We swaddled until 6 or 7 months, basically until he was too strong for us to swaddle without pinning the swaddle in place.
Swaddling restored sanity in our household, and I didn't learn how important it was until I watched the Happiest Baby on the Block DVD when my son was 2 or 3 weeks ok.
Oh how I loved the swaddle!

Jen said...

I only swaddled with my 4th and 5th children. Completely phased out by 2 or 3 months. Transition was pretty smooth.

Meg said...

Thanks for sharing your experiences, ladies; that helps a lot!

Keri, we are having another girl!

Christy said...

I used the Kiddopotamus Swaddle Me blanket and LOVED it! We used it until my daughter was ready to grow out of the size "small." She was about 4 months old as I recall.

I was about to go out and buy a bigger one but thought I would just try to see how things would go without it. I was sure it would be awful but it turned out to be just fine!

She was a GREAT sleeper with it and a great sleeper without it!

Unknown said...

K was swaddled til about 3 months - he was too long for any swaddler we could find. I only swaddled B & C during the day til a couple weeks since they were in bed w/ us & I usually had my arm wrapped around them (& it was august & hot as the dickens even w/ ac - they are sweaters, lol)

Courtney said...

Zeke was swaddled until about 9 months and he still uses those blankets as his comfort sleep item (he's 2 now)
Ben HATED being swaddled so at 2 weeks, we stopped and he started sleeping on his belly, yes I know, but it worked for us.

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